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Special Japanese Pokemon Cards

Hey there! This is a quick overview of some cards that were altered or omitted when these sets were converted to English. Mew from Fossil is a very well know card that was left out of the English set, but there are some other cards in the vintage era that never saw an English equivalent.…

Comparing Shadowless and Non-Shadowless Cards

Hey there! This is just a quick re-cap on some differences you may encounter collecting cards from Base Set. You may be aware that there are some minor differences between Shadowless and Non-Shadowless cards, and I go over some of these differences in the video above. I don’t actively collect Shadowless cards, but I do…

Japanese Promotional Holographic Cards

Thanks for checking this out! This is just a quick little run through on determining the differences between Japanese Promotional cards. Usually you can tell the difference instantly with the rarity emblems being present or not, but it may be nice to see this visually. I hope you enjoy this content, please leave a comment…

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